Fortnight Journal: ‘Honoring The Past, Archiving The Future’

Fortnight Journal is a fantastic project that’s picked up steam this year and looks set to keep impressing with its array of talented contributors. Taking precocious ‘millennial generation’ individuals and showcasing their work and funneling them through 14 different discipline areas, Fortnight is a verifiable attempt to skip the top-down patronage of specialist hierarchy and invest instead in provocative, cross-germinated ideas from the first generation to not know what life is like without internet:

‘As social media helps topple autocracies around the world, our millennial contributors collaborate across borders. Only on Fortnight will a young Venetian video artist be set aside a young Vietnamese-American tribunal lawyer–the original work of both informed by ancient Rome. Staying multi-disciplinary allows Fortnight to nurture new networks around timeless affinities’ 

They’re also patently dedicated to incubating their content generators, in a living example of what mentorship can do for youthful innovation:

‘With a global recession imperiling young innovation, it is critical to revive the mentor model now. Mentorship is the strongest prospect for professional development for a generation left in the wake of the traditional career. Fortnight visibly connects its contributors to established luminaries, who graciously confer their wisdom to the next generation, and public at large. Fortnight is intended to be as inspirational as it is aspirational’

Bring on 2012.



